
Energy Efficiency has been a core principle of Magnetite from the very beginning. In fact, Magnetite was specifically designed to address the inefficiencies of windows in high-rise offices and apartments. However, it was soon found that ANY existing window could be made more thermally efficient, more acoustically insulating, and more tightly air sealed when paired with one of Magnetite’s interior acrylic panels. The end result is a window that is drastically more efficient in a multitude of ways.

Magnetite was purposed built and designed to improve on centuries-old window technology. Magnetite incorporates the construction of your current window to then maximize its efficiency. Magnetite utilizes a magnet to create a dead-air seal which in turn increases the R-value of a window system. Magnetite uses optical-grade virgin acrylic ( in either thermal, sound control, or IR blocking ) that is 18 times stronger and seven times more thermally efficient than glass. And Magnetite does this all for 40-60% less than replacement windows.

Preserve Your Investments

Replacement windows may look nice, but they are rarely a good investment. You see, it’s not always about tearing out the old and putting in the new. Often times, preserving the old can yield a better result while maintaining the structural integrity and period look of a building. Such is the case with Magnetite. Using Magnetite’s optical-grade acrylic panels, you can get better thermal efficiency than most high-performance replacement windows on the market. Using Magnetite’s optical-grade acrylic panels, you can also get better sound control and acoustic efficiency than most high-performance replacement windows on the market. Compare Windows

According to many conservation and preservation studies, unless you are just anxious to give your home or business a new look, replacing your windows is actually one of the LAST things that you should consider. One study found that high-performance replacement windows were either last or second to last on a list of energy-saving retrofit upgrades when it came to the overall return-on-investment.

Preservation Over Replacement

What should you do when your home or business starts showing signs of aging? The correct option is to conduct maintenance and preservation of these structures and invest in their longevity and performance. However, knowing what to maintain and what to replace can be confusing and daunting. One thing that is often on people’s list is taking care of windows. The problem is that most windows really don’t need to be replaced. Here’s why:

  • The average window will take 40 years to pay itself off
  • The average window only stays in a building for 10-12 years
  • Often times, a window that is thought to be leaky is just inefficient How can this be?
Discover the BEST Solution Over Replacement Windows.
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